Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Last night of freedom, for a while anyway

All packed and ready for round 2. I am feeling alright. My skin is terribly itchy, fingers and toes are peeling. I have almost lost all of the water weight that I gained. Just in time right?

In a strange way, I am excited to go. I kind of know what to expect, although, my body could respond differently this time.

In a week I will be finished with my IL 2 treatment. My PICC line will be removed, and I can really start recovering. Sounds pretty awesome!

Tomorrow I start with blood work at SCCA, then I meet with my oncologist, then I am scheduled to be admitted to the UW at 1:00. I'm going for all 14 again!

Before my first infusion, they will have to check my PICC line, as we think it may have moved. If it has, I am not excited about 'fixing' it. Maybe they'll give me some versed just for that?

I am excited about sleeping in my bed tonight!!

Until next time....

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