Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Still here...

Heather's recovery this time is much slower than last time. Side effects were a little worse this time as well.  She really wants to go home, but is not ready. She can't get out of or back into bed without quite a bit of help, and a trip to the bathroom (about 10 feet round trip) completely saps her energy. 

She has been moved to what is called "floor care." This does not require continual monitoring of her vitals, which is really nice because her skin really took a beating this time, especially both biceps where the BP cuff has been.  We actually moved rooms today, so at least we have a different view.  It's also a quieter room, we are away from the noise of all the other patient's monitors. 

We hopefully will be going home tomorrow. Right now I'm not sure that will happen. She just completed a bathroom trip and is exhausted and unconscious.  Rest Heather.....

There's no place like home....


  1. Thanks so much Kelly for keeping us updated, we hover over the blog for any word.....we love you guys, sending hugs, good thoughts, and strength to bring you both home! Hang in there! =)

  2. I wish I could gift you and Heather some energy....but, you both are much tougher than I. Hang Tough !

  3. Heather was so right to start this blog. We hang onto your words and hope each new blog finds Heather feeling better and you and she on your way home. You and Heather are never far from our thoughts. What a tough team!

  4. Thank yall for sharing. You are both in my prayers.

  5. Thanks Kelly for keeping us informed. Diane is right, so many of us hang onto your words in this blog. We are so grateful for your dedication to continue putting you and Heather's experience into words. It hurts to read yet it helps us feel closer to her. I am so looking forward to you two being able to be BP cuffs. :-)
