Monday, January 30, 2012

Off and Running

Today has been a very busy day!  Fortunately, everything  has gone smoothly.

I had my apheresis this morning at the Puget Sound Blood Center.  My appointment took about 4 hours.  They removed about 200 cc's of white blood cells (leukocytes). We then carried them in a cooler to SCCA.  Who else gets to do that!? Those cells will be frozen for possible use later if needed.  

We met with Dr. Margolin at SCCA, went over the plan.  Simple plan, kick some butt again!

My room in the ICU wasn't ready at 1:00. I wasn't surprised.  That actually gave us time to grab some lunch. Perfect.

I called the UW while we were at lunch and was told we could get in at 2:00.  Again, perfect. 

So, with  a full tummy, we head to the hospital.  We got through admissions quickly and  into a room. Another room with a view. We met with the nurse and nurse practitioner, checked vitals, now it's time to get my PICC line placed.  That went great.  A little ouchy but what can you do? Off to get a x-ray to check  PICC placement. Spot on. Back to my room to wait.

I got my first dose of IL 2 at 6:15.  Felt pretty good, waiting.....after about an hour, low and behold, I am super uncomfortable. Crawl out of my skin uncomfortable!  Nurse Helen to the rescue! Demerol!! 

Instantly, I feel so much better!!

Just had some dinner, probably won't be hungry after today.

Next dose at 2 am!! It's going to be great!

Thanks for all the well wishes and words of encouragement!!!!



  1. Stupid picked the wrong girl to mess with!!!! =)

  2. Keep Going, Heather! You've got this :)

  3. Once again, you're going to show cancer who's boss ... YOU ARE!!!!!

  4. Cancer should prepare for another can of whoop-ass!
