Saturday, December 17, 2011

How about some good news?

"Sometimes life hands you a hell sandwich", I would like to send it back!

It has has been 5 weeks since I was released from UW hospital, completing my first full course of IL 2 treatment. Today, I feel very good, almost back to "normal." I have been back to work for 2 weeks now. We have been able to enjoy time with our friends and family. It seems the weekends are filled with too much fun stuff! I guess that isn't really possible.

Wednesday I had my follow up PET/CT scan and yesterday we met with my oncologist to discuss the findings.

I think that we have received the best possible news. These are statements from the radiologist report comparing my PET/CT scan from 9/11 to that of 12/11. "The hyper metabolic lesions compatible with metastatic malignant melanoma have improved both in size and metabolism. Most of the the preexisting lesions are no longer detectable on PET. There is no definite lymph node activity currently."

So....the IL 2 worked! As awful as it was, thanks goodness, it worked! It continues to work now, according to Dr. Margolin. The plan at this time is to have another PET/CT scan in 30 days. At that point, she may recommend another round of IL 2, depending on the scan. I'm not out of the woods, but I'm not as deep in as I was.

So, despite the fact that we woke up to a nearly flooded mudroom because our washer finally gave up, both Kelly and I continue to feel so fortunate, for everything. Perspective. We have each other, our wonderful families and so many great friends. Thank you for your support and encouragement!



  1. Best.News.Ever. Love you guys!!! =) YAY!!!!!!!

  2. WOW! Caps, can't say it loud enough.A-frickin-men.!!!

  3. This is fantastic news! Best news we've heard in a long time!! You two are an incredible team. Hugs from The Graddons

  4. Awesome news! Stay strong! Bill and Dianne

  5. Wonderful!!! This is the best news ever!! BJ, Neallie, Kai & Cam

  6. This the the BEST news ever!!! YAH!!! Hugs from the Lewis'

  7. So very happy for you guys...I know it was a tough good to hear it was worth it. Stay strong, love ya

  8. I am so happy to hear the great news! That is the best Christmas news ever!


  9. Heather and Kelly,

    What great news! You are a fighter. Merry Christmas.

  10. WONDERFUL NEWS........most fabulous gift of the Season.........for you both and for all of us who love you so. Your never ending courage and strength will keep you strong. Have a wonderful Christmas and you will be in my thoughts.

  11. So glad to hear are in our thoughts and I am encouraged by your progress. Such great news for an amazing person. Hugs to you both!!!-Trish and Brad

  12. What great news Heather! You are so strong! Keep up the fight. Have a wonderful holiday! Take care - The Finnegans

  13. Heather...

    What an incredible gift this terrific news is! Your strength and spirit continue to amaze and inspire me.

